Well it's definitely been a long time since I've updated my blog! Sorry I've been lazy. A lot has happened since Halloween. First we moved into a house....YES!!!!! Next I found out that we are having another addition to our family, IT'S A BOY, due July 10th. We told both our families at Christmas.
For the holiday's we spent Thanksgiving in Thatcher, AZ with Jimmy's side. We enjoyed hangin' out and eating Delicious food!!

(Uncle Kevin, Mom, Aunt Jamie, Grandma & Grandpa
For Christmas we spent time in Mesa, AZ. We spent Christmas Eve and Day with my side and then enjoyed Christmas the next day with Jimmy's side. We were so excited to spend time with Jimmy's sister's Family from Japan (Leeanne, Blake and Jenna). It had been a long time since we were able to hang out with them.

Christmas Eve and Day with the Kennedy Side. Yes my Dad is asleep, all that present opening tired him out :)

Good times with the
Hoopes side
In January Jimmy turned 30!! I wish I would have made more of a push to make it a big celebration but instead we kept it low key. We went out to dinner with a couple of friends to Jimmy's favorite
restaurant--OUTBACK. He was so nice that he shared one of his presents with Kennedy. They both enjoyed it.

That is the only kind of smile I can get out of Kennedy.

Since then we have just been
hangin' out, enjoying life. Kennedy is getting older and YES she is finally walking 100% of the time ('bout time I'd say). She is starting to get into things and she LOVES to dress up and put on make-up.